Are you using your logbook effectively

are you using your logbook effectively

Logbooks have become one of the biggest things in the fitness industry recently, especially with “new school” bodybuilders, and it’s about time!! However, some people fall in the trap of using their logbook as just a way to read their workouts and write down information that really holds no valuable data. If this is you, then you’re missing out on a huge tool to help you progress, grow, and improve your physique.

Your logbook is far more than you may think is it: it is your training partner, your diary, your motivator and your gateway to getting stronger than you ever thought you could. If you’re ready to start using a logbook properly, here are my top tips for doing that:

  • (1) Plan it in advance and pre-set your numbers

Write your session in your logbook the night before or on the morning of your workout, depending on when you have time. That is, don’t leave it till you’re improvising in the gym. When doing so, set your numbers for the coming session: for example, if you hit your RDL top set for 6 reps last week, you should be planning to hit at least 7, and this will be written down in your logbook.

  • (2) Use it for visualisation

If you truly want results, then it’s not just about writing numbers in a logbook then turning up to train. Your logbook is a great way to think about your movements and what numbers you are focussed on. VISUALISE SUCCESS and make it happen!

  • (3) Take notes

My logbook isn’t pretty. In fact, it looks like spaghetti junction, because I am constantly assessing and writing down notes so that I know what I need to improve on a given exercise in my next session, or what has gone well in that session. You are never going to beat every number week on week, but you can improve, and this is where writing down your thoughts and feedback from the set is vital.

  • (4) Assess and adjust volume

You need to be looking back on previous weeks and months to see how your training cycle is progressing. On a gaining phase, ask yourself whether you are growing, recovering and getting stronger by running your current program. If you aren’t, do you need to change movements, increase volume or improve recovery? Your logbook could hold the answer to those questions. In a dieting phase, this level of assessment becomes even more vital! Specifically, your logbook can really show if you need to pull back on how much you are doing to maintain strength and recovery, and it also allows you to check which movements are taking too much out of you going into the rest of the session.

  • (6) Accuracy

Despite what you may think it’s not just about chasing load. Your logbook is there so you can ensure all your sets are accurate and your tempo is controlled while hitting the target muscle(s). Both of which are it’s vital to grow new muscle mass.


Progression is our everything as bodybuilders and taking all of the points above into account is what is going to get you there. So here’s my best advice – every time you write down your next session and every time you look in your book, before your set, remember this: DON’T FUCKING MISS.

Your logbook isn’t just a book it is everything you need to improve your physique remember that.

Ally Burdge


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