How hard are you working when nobody is watching?

how hard are you working when no one is watching?

Are you sick of spending time training but not seeing the results you want or expected?

Well, here’s a question you need to ask yourself:

How hard are you working when nobody is watching?

How much are you pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone when you’re the only one there?

Are you ACTUALLY going balls to the wall or are you making excuses for yourself?

I was tired…

I’ll do it tomorrow…

I’ll play catch up…

But then, the results don’t come. So, my question again:

How hard are you working when nobody is watching?


Change doesn’t happen without struggle, without some degree of discomfort, without some additional demands on the body and mind that require it to go “fuck, we need to adapt here”.

The bad news is that you are the only person who can push yourself into that discomfort; the good news is that you are the only person who can push yourself into that discomfort.

Here are my top tips to help you lean into that discomfort and achieve an elite physique:

  1. Push yourself in the gym – get yourself a log-book and keep challenging yourself. The weights and lifts you’re aiming for should scare you and you should go for it anyway.

  2. If you’re dieting, you’re going to get hungry – learn to embrace the suck, understand it’s not forever, and that food will always be there!

  3. If you’re pushing weight up, you’re going to feel uncomfortable – your clothes won’t fit, you might feel a little thiccc but understand that this is absolutely necessary for adequate muscle growth.

  4. Learn to do things that scare you – set yourself a challenge that makes you nervous every time you voice it out loud.

  5. Set yourself goals that scare you, not just to overcome that fear, but to become the person it requires to achieve them

  6. Be patient – some days will be easier than others. Remember it’s a journey so be kind to yourself!

Of course, it’s simple when you write it out like that but it’s certainly not always easy. If you find that you’ve been struggling to push yourself enough, this is YOUR chance to do so now.

Get in touch today so we can arrange a free consultation call to talk about how I can help you achieve your goals.

Clara Swedlund MSc MBPsS


How ready are you to change?


“I don’t know if I can do it…”