The start of the bodybuilding season is only eight or so weeks away. With the season running from the end of March until the middle of November there are a plethora of different shows and federations for first timers to compete in. The question you might be asking yourself is; which one is the right one for you?

The purpose of this article is to cover the things you need to consider when picking your shows and to run through the different options that different federations offer.

Natural vs assisted

Before you think about which federations you would compete with, the first thing to consider is whether or not you are natural or assisted (using performance enhancing drugs). Alongside this, you would want to carefully consider which class you would compete in. If you’re wondering why that matters, let me explain.

If you are a natural mens physique athlete or a bikini/toned figure girl you might be able to compete as a natural in an untested federation and do incredibly well. However, as you start to get into the more muscular classes such as bodybuilding or athletic figure, the chances of doing well drastically decrease. Why? Simply due to the fact that assisted individuals are going to be much bigger, leaner and drier (if required) than you.

That being said, if you’d like to stick with natural federations, then your options here in the United Kingdom will be WNBF, UKDFBA, BNBF, ICNUK and NPA. Out of this list WNBF are the only federation that will run a ‘First timers and Novice’ show. However, there are a few untested federations who do run ‘one off’ natural shows such as PCA (new this year), 2bros and UKUP. Therefore, if you do want to specifically stick to natural shows, you have plenty options.

Go and watch some shows

By now there are a few of you reading this who are thinking, “Vaughan, I take loads of gear, what’s my options”. Well, if you are using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) there are certainly more opportunities for you to compete in a larger number of federations. So, where do you start?

My question to you would be, have you been along to the shows? If you’re thinking about PCA being your first show or NFMUK, have you attended any of those federations shows before? Have you seen how the show is run? Have you seen what the atmosphere is like? And have you talked to anyone who has competed with them before?

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. Remember your going to be the one standing on stage and at the amateur level you are doing this to have some fun. Therefore, I’m always going to suggest competing with the federation you think will be the most fun.

I’ll often chat with many first timers who want to compete but haven’t yet been to a bodybuilding show and seen how it’s run on the day. My first suggestion is to always go along and find out. As coaches, it’s our job to be able to make some suggestions of where and when you could compete. But it’s your job to go along and see what you think before making the final decision.

PCA First timer shows

The biggest federation here in the United Kingdom without a shadow of a doubt is PCA. In terms of the amount of shows they put on across the year but also the amount of athletes in each of those shows week in, week out. In particular, they run six “First Timer” shows across the year which always tend to be full. That means each class will typically have fifteen or more athletes in it.

Of course, there is a big incentive for those first time competitors to jump in PCA. The shows run like clockwork, the judging is spot on, and the production is fantastic. Alongside this, the standard and popularity of the PCA First Timer shows has increased each year, meaning the shows get more competitive and harder to place.

With that being said, if it is your first time and you’re perhaps not the most muscled or leanest (or whatever it might be) you might want to consider other options. The first thing you could do is pick a local show (such as IBFA), where the standard might not be as high and jump in the open class. Less athletes on stage, less pressure, a good amount of stage time and less travel/stress in general. Then the week following you might move up to UKUP then onto PCA/2bros. Working your way up each week with an increased standard and calibre of athletes.

First timers/beginner categories

If you’re still looking to compete in a first timer or beginner class (athlete in their first year of competing) there are several options to choose from. One thing to note here is that some federations stipulate that it’s your first time competing with that particular federation. Meaning you could have competed multiple times in the past with other federations. Whilst others stipulate that it’s your first time on stage ever, such as PCA. Before you compete make sure you know which one it is, please check with the federation prior to competing.

The untested federations that may offer first timers shows/categories or beginners classes are: PCA, 2bros, UKUP, NFMUK, IBFA, NABBA, GPA, GBO, FMC, FitX and BPA.

As you can see there are plenty options to chose from, for the full U.K bodybuilding calander for 2024 click here. However if you are an amazing athlete and will place well in any show please do not limit yourself to a first timers show or beginner category!

In summary, there are a multitude of factors to consider if your competing as a first timer. You must consider whether or not you are natural/ assisted, the calibre of the show and how the show is run. PCA first timers shows are busy and have an increasingly high standard therefore you may want to consider other federations that offer first timer/beginner categories.

Vaughan Wilson Bsc Hons


Moving up from bikini to figure
