In the early days of my career, I remember not really being sure on what the judges were looking for in the bikini criteria. I would often get my bikini girls really lean, most of the time too lean and they would grab a 3rd or at times they didn’t place. This often left me feeling frustrated and confused but in hindsight it was because I didn’t fully understand the bikini criteria.

As time progressed, I understood what the judges were looking for and from that the girls started picking up class wins and overalls. I feel there are a lot of coaches out there and first-time competitors that might be in the same boat I was all those years ago. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to explain the bikini criteria and what the judges are looking for.


Judges will be looking for athletes to display a good amount of muscular development, specifically in the glutes/hammies, delts and upper back. The only exception to that would be NPC/IFBB where the upper back would be covered by the hair.

Bikini girls will showcase an hourglass figure or ‘s shape’ in their side shot. They will have well capped delts, particularly the lateral head, a small waist, and nice round glutes.  They will display a good level of conditioning however the judges are NOT looking for six pack abs, visible striations, or separations anywhere. If the athlete has enough muscle mass in their glutes, then a slight glute/ham tie is favourable. In most cases judges are looking for a level of ‘smoothness’ when it comes to conditioning.

Competitors will display a strong level of femininity, have strong stage presence, and pose confidently. If competitors do not pose correctly within the federation’s guidelines, then they will be marked down. In a close call where two athletes are similar levels of conditioning and muscularity, it’s often posing that separates the placing.

When you read that, it seems clear what the judges are looking for. But what you must bear in mind is that the criteria is simply a guide for the judges to follow. It is at their discrepancy on the day how far that criteria is pushed. In some cases, favouring a tighter look, other times favouring as softer look. This of course is dependent upon who shows up on the day.

The bikini category is typically split in different height classes within the IFBB/NPC, with height classes ranging from A-H. Alongside this they offer three different masters cateogry: +35, +40 and +45. Other federations within the United Kingdom will typically offer short, medium, tall, masters +35 and a bikini athletic class.


It is worthwhile noting that there are some differences in what the judges are looking for from federation to federation. PCA and 2bros are without a doubt the two most prestigious federations in the United Kingdom but when it comes to the bikini class, what they want to see can be slightly different.

PCA typically will want to see girls a little sharper, whereas at 2bros regionals I have seen a slightly softer look being rewarded. However, as you move into a pro qualifier, a leaner look is often rewarded. This makes it hard to do these federations back-to-back and, in most cases, I’d often suggest doing 2bros first and then diet for another 2-3 weeks before doing your PCA show. However, as you move from a PCA regional to a PCA Universe or British Finals, a leaner look is often favoured and rewarded.

This is where experience comes into play and knowing what the judges are looking for from federation to federation, show to show, will ultimately help improve your placing.

One federation that has really stood out from the rest is NABBA. What do I mean by that? Just that they want girls to be quite soft in comparison to most other federations. In knowing that, you wouldn’t be able to do PCA and NABBA in close proximity and do well in both, as what the judges are looking for in both is very different.


There are a few things in the bikini class that aren’t written down in the rules/criteria but should be considered. The first one being the length of your hair. Look around from federation to federation, the winners all have long hair, albeit for most it will be through wearing extensions.

As you progress into IFBB pro qualifiers the colour of the bikini matters. Dark hair/brunettes often favouring a red/purple and blondes favouring more blues/greens. As you get to that sort of level the make-up must complement the look, the bikini, the jewellery, and everything else in the bikini category.

In summary, the bikini criteria is fairly easy to understand when you break down what the judges are looking for. However, there are some different looks rewarded from federation to federation. Athletes should be aware of those differences when doing shows in close proximity. The further you progress up the ranks in IFBB the more the little details matter, such as the colour of your bikini.

Vaughan Wilson Bsc Hons


The Classic Criteria
