Prep Coach UK

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Abbie Hammond

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Abbie joined the team in July 2023, a couple months after she had finished competing in her first season. She wanted to join a bigger team and work with a more experienced prep coach to come out the following year and grab some trophies.

3 weeks into the coaching journey, Abbie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This shifted our focus away from her physique and more towards controlling her blood glucose and getting her confident with managing it on her own. We chatted multiple times a day for a few months until she was 100% confident and entered a prep for the 2024 Scottish season.

The season got off to a turbulent start with the first three shows not going the way we had hoped, or planned for. It was at this point that it would have been easy to throw in the towel to call it quits, but instead she did the opposite. After lots of calls and encouragement I convinced her to keep going and I’m so glad she did.

It was in the latter part of the season she really found her stride, most noticeable was winning her class at UKUP and earning her pro status, as well as winning her class at BPA. She also grabbed some top placings at NFMUK to cap off what was an exceptional season.

There was a point last year where neither one of us thought the stage was possible. Overcoming adversity, she not only managed to step on stage but she excelled. Getting leaner every show and earning higher placings to go with it. I struggle to gather the right words to describe just how proud of her I am, but she’s one of a kind.

Across her season Abbie collected:

2 x 1st
4 x 2nd
1 x 3rd
1 x UKUP Female Model Pro Card

Here’s what Abbie had to say about her journey:

“I can’t thank Vaughan enough for his support and guidance since joining the team in July. After being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes only a few weeks after signing up, Vaughans knowledge and advice was second to none. After my diagnosis Vaughan was straight on the phone telling me exactly how much insulin I needed - the trust I had to put in Vaughan from the very beginning was huge and I am so glad I did. I knew from this point I had made the right decision and my confidence in him as my coach continued to grow. The daily communication to check glucose levels, how much insulin to take before every meal and the changes to my diet to accommodate for my levels was incredible and I have learnt so much about my condition because of his knowledge. This only continues to show case exactly how knowledgeable Vaughan is.

Vaughan went above and beyond as a coach, constantly checking in outwith check ins to offer support wherever he could and to track data from my glucose levels to determine what was working and where changes were needed to be made. From the very beginning his response time was prompt and nothing was too much effort. The dedication Vaughan shows to his whole team is outstanding and the passion he shows for the sport is unmatched.

Vaughan took me to almost every show I competed in and would offer help to any of his clients that needed it. On show days his attention to detail with all of his clients was unreal and this is evident in his results. I honestly believe I wouldn’t have got the results I have got if it wasn’t for Vaughan’s constant support and encouragement. From the beginning of prep I doubted myself to even be able to reach stage but Vaughan always believed in me more than I did myself and this carried me forward right to the end to win my pro card.

The service Vaughan provides is outstanding and I am proud to have been part of his team - something I wanted to be part of after previously competing. If you’re looking for a prep coach and want to be surrounded by the best support network then I can’t recommend Prep Coach UK enough. I will always be forever grateful for Vaughan and this sport for pushing me to be a better version of me.”

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