Carolyn BOWRON

Carolyn BOWRON

I begun working with Carolyn in 2021, at the time her goal was to compete in the bikini class. It’s safe to say that goal change quite quickly as the toned figure class suited her much more and she much prefer that style of posing.

Upon deciding to prepare for another class we switched our focus away from bikini and instead programmed in a manner that was aligned towards the figure class. When Carolyn first came on board, I don’t really think she believed she would ever look like she did come show day, but she was relentless in her persuit to attain it. Never missed a meal, always training hard and never afraid to push up in the off season.

I’ve watched her grown physically, but what has been really cool is to see how confident she has become and how she has changed as a person along the way. Grabbing 2nd in her first show of the season, it’s safe to say the future is bright and I cannot wait to watch it all unfold.

Across the her first season Carolyn accumulated:

2 x Overall Miss Scotland
7 x 1st
4 x 2nd
Pro status FMC

Here’s what Carolyn had to say about her journey.

"I was drawn to Vaughan after following him on social media for quite some time and seeing him sharing his personal success, client progress and their results. What struck me was Vaughan’s investment in his clients, he saw potential in people who didn’t necessarily see it in themselves. The care was genuine. I knew I’d do the work needed to bring the best version of myself to stage, whatever that looked like, but I needed someone who really had my back, so we jumped on a consult call. I liked Vaughan’s honesty, realism and attitude. We clicked and I’ve never looked back. Vaughan also has a huge bank of free resources to draw down on - the podcast, articles and exercise execution tutorials have been extremely helpful to utilise.

The service Vaughan provides is outstanding, and I feel like words won’t do it justice. I’m a client who lacked self belief, and I could be my own worst enemy. That is now a thing of the past. Vaughan knows how to screw your head back on when you need it, and nothing is ever too much of an ask for him. I wobbled and worried in gaining phases, recomp phases and throughout prep, but Vaughan was very reassuring and never (ever) wrong. Everything paid off. Throughout all phases, Vaughan has never let me down. Replies are prompt, informative and supportive. Throughout prep, check ins were very frequent, communication was regular, explanations were detailed. I always knew why and what we were doing at each stage. Show day itself was completely stress free, from the moment I registered to the second we parted ways pre-stage, I knew I was working with the right person.

Life is very different now compared to pre-coaching. I’ve grown in every way possible, Vaughan feels like someone I couldn’t imagine not having around and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. The brand as a whole is amazing to be a part of, the team is full of driven people. I’ll forever shout about Prep Coach UK and cannot recommend Vaughan enough."


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