Prep Coach UK

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Clara Wilson

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Clara Wilson

I begun working with Clara in 2018, when her goal was simply to feel good in a bikini on the beach and complete a photoshoot. As the journey progressed I very quickly found out she’d love to compete one day but didn’t think she could ever do it.

That being said, we selected a show, she learned how to pose and really, the rest is history. Each year she was committed to eating her food, progressing the weight on the bar and the number on the scales. What that meant was each year she brought a better package to the stage.

After her stint of shows in 2019, where she had won her first show and placed third at the British finals we had a call. On that call I said to her she was be British champion by the end of 2021. She did just that by winning her class in 2Bros British Naturals.

Clara represented the brand that well I actualy asked her to come work alongside myself and Ally under VW Physique in which we had three successful years together.

In the 5 years we have worked together she has compete in 10 shows and accumulated:

1 x British title
2 x 3rd British
2 x 1st
9 x top 3’s
2 x WUP pro cards

I’ve seen this woman go from being scared to wear a bikini on the beach to British champ and running her own succesful online business. Words fail me at how proud I am of everything she’s achieved.

Here’s what Clara had to say about her journey.

"When I started working with Vaughan, back in January 2018 I was lost. I had been struggling with binge eating and compulsive exercise for quite some time, and I felt so lost. I knew that I had what it took to achieve the results what I wanted, but I didn’t know what to do and I found the whole process incredibly overwhelming.

I contacted Vaughan because I wanted to do a fitness photoshoot and prove to myself that I could be “that girl”, and immediately he was reassuring: he laid everything out, from the offseason to prep, and I had this sense of knowing that we’d go far together.

As I was prepping for my first photoshoot in August 2018, the discussion of competing as a bodybuilder came out and whilst I didn’t think I could do it, I stepped on stage for the first time in September 2018 and that was it - I knew I was hooked!

We’ve learnt so much since then and come a long way too. Vaughan was there every step of the way as I reversed and prepped again in 2019, where I went from no placings to coming first and coming 3rd twice at a British Finals show. I was exhilarated! But when he told me I’d be winning 1st place and a British title in 2021, after some time away from stage, I struggled to believe him.

Nonetheless, we did the work - he was there every step of the way during the pandemic, and helped me develop my physique during an extended offseason (in lockdown!), so much so that we did in fact win a British Title at the 2bros Naturals British Finals in 2021, as well as placing 2nd in my first ever international pro qualifier with the NPC.

Stepping away from stage in 2021 presented me with a new challenge: both to regain my period after coming off the pill, as well as feel my best for my wedding in 2022. Vaughan was there each step of the way, and we accomplished both things.

In our time working together, Vaughan has been there for me on his engagement holiday, when I got engaged, when he got married, when he had his first baby, and when I got married too. In the 5yrs we’ve worked together, Vaughan’s care and attention to detail has been second-to-none. He has seen potential in me that I could have never dreamt of - from helping me step on stage for the first time in 2018 to helping me win a British title in 2021, to helping me build a business alongside him as an online coach and posing coach, his ongoing support and knowledge have allowed me to be where I am now. His passion and care are hard to match, and it’s all you can ask from a prep coach."

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