Prep Coach UK

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Jade Fraser

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Jade Fraser

Jade first came on board after competing in her first bikini show with the ultimate goal of regaining hormonal control over her body and improving her physique to step on stage again for the following year. As a junior I could see the potential in her and when she mentioned she had another three years left, we set ourselves some big goals to achieve in that time frame.

From the off set we knew we needed a little bit more mass in the glutes so programmed accordingly, alongside prioritising delt work. From day 1 it was obvious how much of an athlete Jade was. We went over every move in her program multiple times, she took on board feedback and came back bette every single week. Having an athlete who is that invested in the journey is phenomenal to work with from a coaching aspect as you literally watch them morph into a whole new human being. We were meticulous, methodical in our nature and the  growth we saw in one season was phenomenal, and it put her in a superb position to prep in 2022.

In our first season together she grabbed 2 x 2nd and 2 x 3rd, one which was at an IFBB international pro qualifier in Lille. We wrapped up the season with a 5th place finish in Warsaw and it’s very clear that she belongs on the international stage. I cannot wait to see what she accomplishes in the years to come.

Here is what Jade had to say about her journey:

“I originally reached out to Vaughan after my first season competing when I needed someone more specialised in coaching females to help me get my hormones back in a good place. I did my research and found that he worked with a lot of bikini girls and that he very knowledgeable in the female physiology side of things so I reached out and knew straight away from the consultation that he was the coach for me!

With the main focus to get my cycle back and put on the tissue required for my next competitive season we entered into an off season and had to push body fat up. What I love about Vaughan’s coaching is that he will always be honest, something that I think is very important in a coach/client relationship. ‘More glutes needed’ were the words in many of my check ins and this echoed in my head every lower session. Although I felt uncomfortable at some points, Vaughan didn’t let the look get sloppy and he was always supportive of how I felt and would remind me of it’s purpose for the goal ahead. From the transformation pictures you can see we achieved just what we set out to!

I’ve always been someone who finds it difficult to see their potential. Not only has Vaughan helped me realise the athlete that I am but he has also helped instill the belief in myself that I was missing. The support he gives his clients is second to none. From daily check ins leading up to show day, jumping on calls when he senses that something may be up, he is always there for us and is so much more than an online coach. I have learned so much over the past year working with Vaughan and his plans are never just a case of ‘I say, you do’. Everything is explained and if there is something you don’t understand he is always more than happy to break it down for you. You can tell that he is just as excited and invested in his clients journeys as he is in his own. He sees the potential in every client no matter their starting point and will always be realistic in telling them how long it will take to achieve their goals.

I can’t thank him enough for helping me get to where I am today and I very much look forward to seeing what we achieve going forward. If you are thinking of competing yourself I wouldn’t hesitate to get signed up now!”

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