Kate Edwards

Kate Edwards

When Kate first came on board it was clear she had the potential but just needed the accountability to reach it. We quickly set some competitive goals, which was 18 months away, to give her some direction and a target to work towards. Once we decided our target he consistency, and drive to be better continued to increase on a weekly basis.

After some time following our methodologies Kate had grown tissue in the right places and this was simply down to her executing the plan to a T. She was never afraid to ask questions along the way to learn the ‘why’ behind what we were doing which ultimately helped change her mindset when it came to her first gaining phase. She no longer feared the scale weight increasing, she no longer feared how busy gyms got or comments from others and by the end would train in a sports bra and shorts. It’s that change in confidence and self worth that a before and after doesn’t show, but is arguable, much more valuable.

Kates grabbed 1 x 2nd and a British invite in her first season and I am very much looking forward to seeing what she can do the next time she steps on stage.

Here is what Kate had to say about her jouney:

“Before joining Team VW Physique, I lacked direction, accountability and consistency with my training. I was training with no real goal in sight, which meant that i found it easy to miss sessions and struggle to stick to a diet as there was no target in sight to keep me motivated. I also lacked the knowledge to optimise my training and actually shape my physique. After discussing with my sister whether it may be time to take my training to the next level. I decided to reach out to Vaughan with the possibility of competing as the end goal, but not certain. I also wasn’t sure whether to begin the process as I was due to move house and start a new job so I wanted to be sure it was ‘the right time’; I know now that there is not right time, you just have to go for it!

I’ve learnt a lot about all areas of bodybuilding since joining the team. My knowledge on training methodologies and how effective training is imperative to the end goal has completely levelled up my performance in the gym, this came from podcasts and the feedback received from V. My understanding of nutrition and diet has improved, and I no longer fear the idea of gaining weight as I understand the benefits of the gaining phase and how this is a necessary part of the process. I have also developed a much better mindset, gained confidence in myself and learnt to prioritise myself and my goals over going with the flow of others. I used to be concerned about how I looked in the gym and who would be watching or judging me, or struggling with difficult questions or comments from others, but I now feel the gym is like a second home, and I have learnt how to handle these tricky situations with confidence to back myself.

I have felt an incredible amount of support from Vaughan throughout my journey, and cannot thank him enough for being there every step of the way. I look forward to continuing into another gaining phase guided by Vaughan knowing that we are going to achieve great things!”


Layton Greatorex


James Stark