Prep Coach UK

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Molly Edwards

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Molly edward

IWhen I first had a consult with Molly, one thing was clear, she didn’t have much self belief in what she could achieve based on her previous experience. I knew that my job would not only be to help her get ready for the upcoming shows but also to help her unlock the potential I knew was in her.

As coaching begun I told her I thought she had the potential to win a bikini class the following year, particularly that of the beginners class in 2Bros. Not only did she win that but she also won class e and brought home 2 x 1st in the most prestigious federation in the United Kingdom. In her 2nd show, with FitX she won her class and the overall. In her 3rd show, with NFMUK she won the bikini amateur class, earning her pro card, after which she then went onto to win pro bikini. In the same show she competed in the diva category, finishing 2nd, earning her pro card and then grabbing a 3rd in pro diva.

An unbelievable first season and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring.

Here is what she had to say about her journey:

“I first met Vaughan through Instagram he reached out to me asking about my training and competing plans, I had previously competed before in 2019 with a friend and coached myself I had no real idea about bodybuilding back then I just knew I loved training and thought I’d like to give it a go, I had no idea how hard it would be or how much it would take to get into the level of condition needed to be competitive in the sport, that year I walked away after doing 2 pca shows with no placing and coming last in my final show.

However, I also walked away with a newfound passion for bodybuilding and a drive to do much better the next time I stepped on stage. I really liked the attitude Vaughan had when he spoke to me, he told me right from the get-go that he saw potential in me with the right guidance and after reading some of his post and listening to his podcasts I could tell he knew his stuff but was also open to learn more and accept new ideas and research.

When I decided in 2020, I wanted to step on stage again (thinking the pandemic would be done and dusted by then) I reached out again to Vaughan and had a video call discussing my plans and decided his coaching style would help me level up my game not only to become a better competitor but also to lean more in the process too. Vaughan’s attention to detail throughout the entire prep was amazing, and the support he gave me was second to none, he explained why we did everything we were doing and when challenges arrived, he helped me face them head on.

I can’t say prep was easy, encountering multiple lockdowns and injuries along the way we delt with each one, home training plans were sent out quickly and looked over and re sent as more kit arrived in my ‘garage of gains’ and when injury struck again plans were changed and we worked together along with physios and chiropractors to train around each injury and still bring the condition needed to stage. I learnt so much about my body how it reacted to each drop in calories, increase in cardio, re feed and increase in carbs towards show day.

But not only that I learnt how resilient I could be in my mind, I’ve never had people really believe in me and have had periods of time where I have really suffered with my mental health, I found it very easy to talk to Vaughan about it and he helped me come up with strategies to reduce stress and feelings of anxiety and most importantly believed in me, because of this I could face everything that stood in my way and pushed through where at times the old me would have simply quit. I’m a much stronger individual not just physically but mentally too and have more confidence, drive and determination to do better again.

Show weekend Vaughan was a massive support as he came up for the show as there were 3 of us competing, we had hotel room and car park check ins so he could keep a close eye on us throughout the day making sure we brought our absolute best to stage and kept us calm. When I stepped on stage, I knew I had brought my best but to win was an absolute shock to me I never believed in myself enough to think I could even place let alone win both my classes, being coached by Vaughan has helped myself belief massively and I’ll never tell myself I can’t achieve something again. I still have 2 more shows this year and I know I will bring my absolute best to each of them thanks to Vaughan and the team.

Clara also has been a massive help throughout my journey she taught me my posing and I sent check in videos regularly for her to look over as well so she could give me pointers to make my posing better each time. She also was a massive help and support with anything mindset and I think this is something that is really unique to team VW Physique that each coach brings their own qualities and strengths to the table in order to get the most out of each client. The support offered was incredible and during lockdown we had group webinars once a week where we got to know other members of the team as well as ask questions to the coaches on absolutely anything, these webinars taught me a lot about how the body works, bodybuilding, and mindset as well as being fantastic motivation when the whole world was shut down and I was prepping with limited kit.

I can’t thank Vaughan and the team enough for what they have done for me and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is either looking to compete either as a first timer or an experienced bodybuilder or someone who wants to look and feel better, Prep Coach UK are in my opinion the best team out there.”

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