Sean McGregor

Sean Mcgregor

Sean joined the team in 2023 with the goal of stepping on stage for the first time in the masters mens physique category the year following. Being a succesful business owner and family man I knew it would be tough but he had a burning desire to step on stage and I knew with the right guidance he was going to do well.

We entered a gaining phase for the first 5-6 months of coaching to gain the necessary size he needed to be competitive. He also threw himself into posing and week after week he began to look the part. After this we begun prep with July shows as our target. Being a little ahead of the ball game we decided to jump in early shows in June with NFMUK and UKUP

He faced some stellar competition but came away with an abundance of silverware. With each show that passed he presented a more conditioned and sharper look. His confidence with posing also grew tenfold as he developed the mens physique flow show by show.

With a couple more shows left in the season I’ve no doubts he’ll continue to bring home the trophies.

Across his season Sean collected:

2 x 1st
2 x 2nd

Here’s what Sean had to say about his journey:

“I first found Vaughan/Prep Coach UK on Instagram and after a couple of months of following him, watching his content I realised he was so open about his work ethic, family life, clients and showed knowledge that was appealing to me personally. I always wanted to get into Mens physique but didn't know how to or where to start or if I was even good enough. I eventually reached out to Vaughan and within a few hours we were on a call, he was answering my questions honestly and openly and we soon started to discuss a plan to start moving forward and from there it's been nothing short of brilliant service throughout.

The service you receive from Vaughan is brilliant, he responds so quick even when it's unsociable hours to any questions or issues I was having throughout different phases of prep. Check ins are always back within a super quick time and gives you honest feedback and any changes needed are done there and then. Honestly couldn't ask for more from him.

When it comes to show day especially my first show Vaughan was brilliant he already prepped me into what would happen on show day with food and supplements and what I would need on the day, he did check ins to suit my travel the day before then on the morning he just made sure I was calm and confident enough to get on stage and do what we had been planning for so long, then backstage he just kept that confidence going throughout the day and guiding me where and when I needed to be again couldn't have asked for better support on the day.

I would always recommend anybody to give Vaughan aka Prep Coach UK the opportunity to be your coach as I know from how far I’ve come and his other athletes that he only has your best interests at heart and just wants you to do well and be the best version of yourself, plus he does it all with unwavering support.”


Bella Parmar