Torgi Squire

torgi squire

When Torgi first joined the team one thing became clear in my mind. He simply did not realise his potential in this sport, so we set out a plan to compete in 2020.

Admittedly, his training intensity was not in alignment with his goals. But from day 1 we set the standard of where training intensity needed to be at and by all means have he delivered on all fronts.

He had set barriers on how strong he thought he could get too which was simply were holding him back, where as now he attacks each session with the ferocity that is required to meet the goals we set out at the start of the journey.

The plan to step on stage was adapted numerous times with gym closures and reopening dates push backed, however is became apparent that it would not be our year. Regardless, we went full steam ahead with a photoshoot prep whereby all training and cardio was done from home.

This really was an epic transformation, training in his spare room with the kids toys around him, yet he did not complain once. He just operated at a high level day in, day out and delivered his best. Another example of why success for this guy won’t happen by chance, instead, it’s a mere certainty.

Covid19 may have cancelled a showing this year (2020) but he will be back and we know he will be even better.

In 2021 Torgi competed in the 2Bros La Famila regional at grabbed 2nd place in masters classic.

Here is what Torgi had to say about his journey.

“I reached out to Vaughan on the recommendation of a friend because I wanted to take my physique to the next level. After a successful first competition I had a hunger for more and wanted to really compete at the top level but needed more structure.

During lockdown I had the ultimate faith in my determination to succeed no matter what but also that Vaughan would keep me motivated. The home workouts had only reignited my passion to get better and I relished every session.

We had a plan to compete that was adapted a couple of times until it became clear that this was no longer an option and a photoshoot was booked instead. Vaughan was meticulous in preparing me for this despite no gym, very little equipment and being a father to two young children.

I have learned that I have more potential than I even realised in this sport I knew I wanted to be on stage again but Vaughan has shown me that I have the drive and physical foundations to compete at the top level I have the upmost trust in Vaughan to look after me both physically and mentally.”


Ian Gunster


Thomas Skyes