
The teams current thoughts on all things physique development. There are so many conflicting issues in the industry today but the team put across their thoughts in laymans terms for you to understand.

Fat loss, Competing Vaughan Wilson Fat loss, Competing Vaughan Wilson

Back-to-back shows and getting tighter

As I write this (Aug 2021), I am currently in the process of doing 4 shows in a twenty-day period! It’s the first time in my competitive career that I’ve ever done something like this. In 2017 I only did one show; then in 2020 I did one show before lockdown hit, and therefore I had never truly experienced what it feels like to do back-to-back shows or multiple shows over a short period of time.

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Fat loss, Competing Vaughan Wilson Fat loss, Competing Vaughan Wilson

The importance of giving yourself time

Although many things have changed over the years with bodybuilding, there are two things that have remained consistent: the rate at which you add muscle mass and the rate at which you lose body fat. The only thing that has changed over the years is our patience with each of those goals.

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Fat loss, Competing Vaughan Wilson Fat loss, Competing Vaughan Wilson

High day(s) on prep

A high day(s) is a simply a strategic increase in calories that is used during prolonged dieting phases, to aid with fat loss. It used to be more frequently referred to as a ‘refeed day’, but the terminology has changed, along with its practice and how its implemented.

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Muscle Growth, Competing Vaughan Wilson Muscle Growth, Competing Vaughan Wilson

Why you should keep your coach in your off season/gaining phase

For the most part, if you are new to the bodybuilding scene and have never actually gone through a gaining phase or ‘bulk’, as it’s commonly referred to, you’ll more than likely stick with your coach throughout this phase of your training. However, if you are a seasoned competitor or have some experience/knowledge of offseasons, that might not always be the case.

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Nutrition/Supplements, Competing Vaughan Wilson Nutrition/Supplements, Competing Vaughan Wilson

Using natural diuretics pre shoot/show

In the final few days, as you prepare for your show/shoot, your coach might recommend you take natural diuretics, so you might be wondering what they do. Before we get into it though, I should probably say that if you are not lean enough, these will not change how your physique looks. However, if you are, they can create a slight change that can be advantageous for your show/shoot.

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Mindset/Psychology, Competing Vaughan Wilson Mindset/Psychology, Competing Vaughan Wilson

Managing hunger when dieting

So, you’ve started a dieting-phase, and all is going well. Feeling a bit leaner, dropping weight on the scale, not struggling at all… till it hits you. The HUNGER is suddenly real, and you can feel yourself drooling over high calorie foods that you’d love to eat, but you know won’t help you achieve your goals.

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Mindset/Psychology, Competing Vaughan Wilson Mindset/Psychology, Competing Vaughan Wilson

Overcoming self-doubt

Have you ever experienced self-doubt when it comes to your ability to achieve a goal? Yes, me too. In fact, we all have. As a competitor (beginner or experienced!) and/or as someone who is currently transforming and elevating their physique, you WILL question yourself and your ability to accomplish whatever you set out to do

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Mindset/Psychology, Competing Vaughan Wilson Mindset/Psychology, Competing Vaughan Wilson

How to manage prep brain

If you have competed before, or have gotten extremely lean, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about when I refer to “prep brain”. If you haven’t been there before but are currently dieting for the first time, you will no doubt find out about prep brain soon enough. It’s not actually something you really need to worry about – it’s more just about knowing that the leaner you get and the closer it gets to your show/shoot, the very logical part of your brain may simply not be as rational as it normally is.

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Training, Competing Vaughan Wilson Training, Competing Vaughan Wilson

Training post show/shoot

In the later stages of extreme dieting, it’s no secret one can lose their love for training. This is mainly because you’re experiencing constant low energy levels and fatigue; paired with the fact that strength isn’t nearly as high as it was during the off-season/gaining phase, it can be hard to find the same enjoyment as before.

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