Bella Parmar


Bella joined the team in June 2023 and had her sights set on making a return to the stage whenever she had made the necessary improvements to be competitive. We initially planned on the 2025 season however with how much she grew in the first six months of coaching I felt she could be competitive in the 2024 season.

This stemmed from Bella’s relentless pursuit in the off season to improve. She would send me form videos, take on board feedback and come back better. She ate all of her meals and never worried about scale weight. Instead she focused solely on performance in the gym and getting stronger week in week out and it paid off.

We began dieting in February 2024 and planned for her first show to be in July as we navigated round a two week holiday during prep. Even with the break away Bella was ready early so we jumped in an earlier show where she almost stole the whole show, grabbing 3 wins on the day and her pro card.

Across her season Bella collected:

3 x 1st
1 x 2nd
1 x UKUP Masters Bikini Pro Card

Here’s what Bella had to say about her journey:

“I decided to work with Vaughan because I heard nothing but positive things from others. Many coaches claim to provide personalised service yet never really take the time to understand their clients' needs. This was never the case with Vaughan.

From day one, he listened and truly heard me. I felt like he understood my struggles and needs, always taking the time to explain anything. He never made me feel like I couldn’t ask questions or express concerns. Vaughan is so attentive that he would pick up on any of my wobbles without me even mentioning it and arrange calls to help me get into a better mindset. The service Vaughan provides is unmatched, making it easy to stay committed and see real progress.

Not only is he available with timely responses over the phone, but he is also there with you the day before and show day itself. This truly speaks volumes! The support I received was incredible. He was there to offer last-minute advice, reassurance, and a boost of confidence, ensuring I felt ready to give my best performance. This level of support was invaluable and truly sets Vaughan apart from others.

I would highly recommend Vaughan to anyone seeking a dedicated and knowledgeable coach. Vaughan, with his deep passion and support, provides the expertise and encouragement needed to achieve your goals.”


Sean McGregor


Tom Gee