Tom Gee


When Tom joined the team he explained he hadn’t been on stage for 7 years and that this was his come back season. In his previous season he had won overalls and European championships therefore I knew the level of dedication he had as a natural athelte.

We went straight into a prep and aimed for the PCA Natural show in June and NABBA Britain to go alongside it. Prep flowed seamlessly as we got into a routine of feeding him hard over two days and then digging for 10-12 days. We would then simply rinse and repeat until he was ready.

He was in condition early so we threw him in an earlier NABBA qualifier than planned where he grabbed 2nd and secured his invite to NABBA Britain. He then went on to win his class at PCA Naturals and place 4th at NABBA Britain. After this he decided last minute to extend his season and jump in WABBA Worlds, in Budapest, the week following.

Albeit this is an untested federation, Tom was right on the weight limit for his class and after some manipulation for weigh ins, he made weight and went on to take 2nd in the 175cm+ athletic bodybuilding class. This in an enormous feat for anyone, let alone a natural athlete in an untested federation!

With the season now wrapped up, we set our sights on bringing up the legs to match the upper body before we go back in 2026 and aim for the win.

Across his season Tom collected:

1 x 1st
2 x 2nd
3 x 4th
1 x 5th

Here’s what Tom had to say about his journey:

“I initially contacted Vaughan late December for a consultation, the consultation was scheduled within hours and after signing up Vaughan put my full prep plan in place to start within the first week of January.

After not competing for 7 years, Vaughan planned my run of competitions precisely and we progressed from an early season regional competition to secure my invite to NABBA Britain Finals, then a run of 3x national level shows and finally ended the season with stepping up to World level at the 2024 WABBA World Championships in Budapest, the biggest competition I have attended in my bodybuilding career.

I managed to place in all 5 of my competitions with the highlights being 1st place in PCA Natural Championships open bodybuilding medium height class and 2nd place at WABBA World Championships in Athletic Bodybuilding in the +175cm open class. I was very happy to achieve this in my first year back competing and off-season planning was implemented immediately post show.

The level of communication and response time every day throughout my 6 months prep have exceeded my expectations, the vast majority of messages replied to with feedback in less than 5 mins of sending. Vaughan clearly cares deeply about his client’s and their success and makes every effort to attend shows, attending 3 out of 5 of my competitions with the only ones he couldn’t were due to coaching clients at other shows. The whole approach is carefully monitored and adjusted on a weekly and often daily basis in regards to nutrition, training and supplementation.

I have recommended Vaughan to my fellow friends and athletes as a fantastic and caring prep coach whether you are a seasoned competitor or first timer.”


Bella Parmar


Mary Carl Dixon