Kelsey Miller


Kelsey came on board around November 2023 having seen the level of service her partner received. Her goal was to compete in the 2024 Scottish season so we got to work.

Things moved fairly seamlessly across the entire dieting phase as she never set a foot wrong. To me this was more like how a seasoned competitor would handle prep but I always had to remind myself it was her first time!

The season got off to a turbulent start with the first three shows not going the way we had hoped, or planned for. It was at this point that anyone else would have thrown in the towel to call it quits, but not Kelsey. She pushed on to the last few shows and was met with tremendous success, most noticeable winning the Miss Scotland 2024 Overall at IBFA Lochgelly. She then followed with some more wins and top placings to cap off an exceptional first season on stage.

There is a phrase that goes: “Never judge an athlete on their wins, judge them on how they respond to a defeat, it’ll tell you all you need to know about their character.” I cannot fathom the right words to describe how proud I am of her. She has my utmost respect and admiration for her resilience and determination to keep going.

The future is bright, the future is Kelsey Miller.

Across her season she collected:

1 x Overall Miss Scotland
2 x 1st
1 x 2nd
1 x 3rd
2 x 4th

Here’s what Kelsey had to say about her journey:

“I joined Vaughan after seeing how attentive he was with his athletes at shows during the previous season. His passion, care and desire for his athletes to succeed in their goals was (and still is) undeniable.

I started coaching with Vaughan at the beginning of my prep and right from the gates he laid out detailed plans, always taking the time to explain everything we were doing and why. His communication and response times are second to none and you’re never left waiting for replies/any changes needed. He’s only ever a message or phone call away.

Vaughan has made me feel seen, heard and valued as an individual where I have previously felt more like a number with other coaches in the past. He believed in me on days where I felt like giving up, and provided me with a new found sense of confidence in my potential and what I feel I can achieve.

On show days he’s up with you first thing in the morning and is there with you right up until the drive home. He is the first person to find you once you step off stage, and will always be honest with you regarding feedback and why any judging decisions were made.

Joining Vaughan has been the best decision I’ve made during my body building journey, and i’d wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a coach to guide them through the ups and downs that is competition prep.”


Abbie Hammond


Chris Bayne